According to Akamai’s report, more than 12 billion “credential stuffing attacks” have taken place against a variety of video game websites over the past year and a half. Our top story this week comes to us courtesy of VentureBeat, which reports that Akamai, a “cloud” company, released information and analysis that concluded the gaming sector remains one of the biggest new avenues of security threats and data breaches across the web. We’ve said it before: those darn Smurfberries will get you every time. Those stories and all their details are coming your way this week as we work our way down the list:
We’ll tackle that subject, take a look at an email from one of our fabulous listeners, and then turn our attention back to a topic we left unfinished recently - the subject of automatic updates.
When you find yourself with some free time, do you like to fire up some video games to spend an hour or two hacking, slashing, and blasting your way through the competition? Did you know that you might be exposing yourself to security risks in the process? It’s true - as will become apparent during our discussion this week, fun and games aren’t always fun and games.